29 May, 2023

Charm School Begins Soon...

classroom stock image showing a desk in front of a chalkboard. Text over top of the chalkboard reads "Charm School" in light blue and yellow curvy lettering, and "with Cara Mia and Stella Gramina" in smaller white text. On the light wood colored desk is an open book with a pencil, next to a pencil cup containing various pencils. A pair of reading glasses sits in front of the pencil cup, and a stack of books is visible at the right edge of the image.
Hey, Readers! More news for you!

I'm uploading a new public channel video right now that is a conversation with my friend Stella about our new personal project for the next few months.

We're calling it...

Charm School

This is a three-month project where Stella and I will be working together through Silver Ravenwolf's 1995 title, "To Stir a Magick Cauldron", and completing the tasks given as the requirements for the first degree of the fictionalized "Mist Tradition."

one of the original 90s covers of "To Stir a Magick Cauldron" by Silver Ravenwolf. This book cover is mostly purple with light blue and yellow title text. This edition features an illustration of a Witch with curly brown hair stirring a cauldron that is resting on a tree stump. Smoke, mist, or tendrils of fog emerge from and surround the cauldron and wind throughout the whole cover.

If you haven't read it, there is a section in the book where Silver talks about systems of Witchcraft with degree-based systems, and gives examples of the type of work one may be asked to do before receiving the first, second, or third degree, and so on. To illustrate the point, she asks the reader to imagine a made-up tradition, called the Mist Tradition, and then lists a bunch of stuff that Witches of that tradition may be asked to do for each stage of learning and progress. But then -- plot twist! -- at the end of this section she says that Witches in her own, actual tradition are expected to do all the things on those lists, and more! So the Mist Tradition isn't real -- at least, Silver made it up for this book -- but the tasks are based on actual tradition requirements. Every tradition is different, so it just depends which one you're looking into.


26 May, 2023

Silver Broomstick journaling & note-taking prompts!

Hello, dear readers! It has been a WHILE. I have some content for you that feels best suited to a blog form.

Cara holding up a first edition copy of the book described. Cover art depicts a Witch with long hair flying on a broomstick in front of a Full Moon.
My copy of To Ride a Silver Broomstick
I've been reading Silver Ravenwolf's 1993 title, To Ride a Silver Broomstick, and making content about it for my Patreon. In addition to that, I've been making notes about where in the book Silver offers prompts for "stuff to journal about or copy down in your notebook", and I figured, if I'm making notes about it for personal use... why not share that info for anyone else who may be into it?

I am not completely copying pieces of the text here, so please view this as a companion to having the book in front of you. But I am summarizing the prompts in my own words, and some of them are things you could do without it having to be connected to the book, so I imagine some people might find this and use some of these prompts just because you want to explore these topics! And where I think that is most possible, I am writing this with that in mind. But for some of these, it is really connected to what she writes about in the book, so just know that not all of this will make sense outside the context of the book.