Frequently Asked Questions / Frequently Answered Queries:

How old are you?
I am in my early 30s. I know, I know.

What camera/editor do you use?
Editing software
2009-2018 ish: Sony Vegas Movie Studio HD 9.0.
2018-2019: No editing software. Direct uploads from my smartphone.
2019 - present: Sony Vegas Movie Studio 16.0 Platinum.

My earliest videos were recorded on a USB plug-in webcam. In 2009 I got a Flip Mino HD and recorded most things on that. In 2015, my Flipcam stopped being able to connect with the USB =( so I started recording things on my smartphone. As of 2016, videos were either my smartphone, or a Canon PowerShot S110 which was gifted to me by a friend. And in 2018 I got a new smartphone -- Samsung Galaxy S9 -- and that has been my primary camera since then.

Any advice for new vloggers to start making videos?
Be yourself. Make videos you would want to watch. Utilize editing software so you can be more comfortable knowing you can edit out anything you don't like. If you don't know what to talk about, consider making video responses to other people's topics and get your views out there while also making friends!

When did you start practicing Paganism/Witchcraft/your path?
I started studying when I was about 10 or 11, and really got into it by age 12. I was actively practicing a bit by then (besides the things I've been doing my whole life, I mean). My first celebration with other people happened when I was 12, which is when I really considered myself to be at a place where I could identify as Pagan, etc. My mother knew I was studying it all this time, but I didn't tell her markedly "I actually do consider myself to be Wiccan" (which is how I first identified) until I was 16. So the most out and proud part of my path began then, when I told her. My path identifiers have grown and expanded since then, but I still resonate with my early practice. Give or take years and levels of "out-ness", I say I've been actively and consciously on this path for about 20 years now.

How did you come out of the broom closet, and what advice do you have for others to do the same?
Here are a few places I've touched on this question that you may find helpful:

I'm new to Paganism/Witchcraft/etc. Where do I start?!
Here are a few places I've talked about this topic so far (I'm sure there will be more in the future) and other resources I think may be helpful:

    What witchy books and websites do you recommend?
    The old blog post I had with website recommendations no longer exists, and I haven't created a new one yet! But here is my page for recommended books!


    The following questions don't apply as much to my videos from 2016 on, but were frequently asked in previous years' videos. So, in case you see those and are still wondering:

    When you say you go to "church," what do you mean?
    I [used to] attend a Unitarian Universalist (UU) church. If you hear or see me refer to "(my) church" in videos or blogs, that's what I mean. "Circle" refers to my pagan group. "Magick Class" is another group, hosted at my church but a different group in itself. It's open to the public and thus includes people from my church as well as other friends, family, and people from the surrounding community.

    Do you think UU churches are a good fit for Pagans?
    I do, though it depends on what you're looking for. Each community is different, so there's no guarantee the first UU you visit will be the one for you. They are not as common as other churches, so you may have to go farther to find one you like. I have a half-hour drive and some people at my church drive two hours. Also, I'm not saying every Pagan will want a community like this. But if you do, UUism is a great option, I think. Especially if you like to learn about other paths, because one week it might be a service on Nature and the Elements, but the next could be Judaism, Buddhism, Atheism, UU history, or even one designed by the young kids! It's very eclectic in that regard. Some people who are not part of a Pagan community structure, like a coven or similar group, choose to attend a UU church just to have a spiritual community. Parents especially may like to take advantage of the Religious Education programs, to ensure their children have a "sunday school" style experience that teaches them about many world religions and points of view, and also includes ongoing curriculum for older kids about sexuality, politics, and more, as they grow and become interested in other topics and issues. So while I cannot say whether it will be right for you, I do recommend checking out some UU churches if you think it could benefit you.

    As of 2016 or so: Why do you no longer make videos about UUism?
    I stopped attending the church I was going to for personal reasons, so I am not immersed in the regular goings-on of a UU church at present. As such, it just doesn't come up in my regular vlogging right now. I still identify with the UU principles and consider it an aspect of my path, but I'm not currently attending a church, so that's why I don't mention it as often anymore! I do, however, still visit UU churches and speak occasionally at them, if I am invited as a guest speaker to lead a Pagan-based service, or to speak on a variety of topics.

    That's it for now!

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