06 July, 2023

Charm School Update: Week 5

Hey, all! Checking in from nearly the end of Week 5 of this 12-week Charm School challenge / fun self study time.

In my general scheduled plan, I wanted to ideally be finished with Twelve Wild Swans by now (doing a path per week, a section per day, for three weeks total) and finishing up What Witches Do this week. Next week, Week 6, Stella and I will be away at camp with lots of other magical things going on so I had planned for it to be a week "off" or grace period. If we wanna do more of this and have time, cool, but it wasn't being counted as necessary time.

That was the ideal plan, but I know myself, and I knew that traveling during this time and prepping for camp would take up time, space, and energy for me. There have also been other, unexpected things that came up this past month because, you know, life is like that. So as I expected, I am a bit behind where I wanted to be "ideally", but that's okay! The plan is not rigid, it's there to help keep me from getting totally lost as I lose track of linear time. It happens.

So here's where I am at this point...