21 September, 2019

Saturn Returns course is back!

Hello! I'm excited to announce that the next Saturn Returns course is finally here!

We start on the 5th of October (a Saturday, of course). Registration ends on the 30th of September, and payments are offered at a sliding scale.

Click here to go to the Saturn Returns page to learn all about it!


31 May, 2019

7 Days a Week, Pt. 1: Planets & Deity Names

Hello, Readers,

As I've been reading through some beginner-Witch material again lately, I've started thinking again about basics--building blocks of magick, timing, simple things we can do everyday--and one of the things that came to my mind was timing and intention based on the day of the week. Many people know where our English names for the weekdays came from, but many people also still do not. I remember years ago, when I was first studying Paganism and Witchcraft, mentioning the origin of the days of the week to my mother, who had no idea! So I figure in 2019, maybe some other people still haven't had this come up for them, either. And even if you do know this naming origin stuff, a Part 2 of this post will be going up next, talking about using the planetary and/or Deity associations with the days of the week for deciding what kinds of magick to do on what days. If that is a sort of magickal timing you're interested in, look out for that post next.

Image by me, using symbol images from solarsystem.nasa.gov

Days of the Week: Planets & Deities

There are seven days in our calendar weeks, and this has been the case for centuries although it was not always that way. The Roman Empire was responsible for the shift sometime between the 1st and 3rd centuries, according to the Wiki article which I will link below with other sources. There were also seven "classical planets", or moving celestial bodies that, at the time, could be seen with the naked eye and were known to the astronomers of classical antiquity. We would not use the term "planet" for all of them today, as the definition has changed over the years. One of them is our Sun, which we know as a star. The other is our Moon, which we consider a "satellite" today because a planet would have to be orbiting the Sun directly, whereas our Moon orbits Earth.

These seven classical planetary bodies were the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. Earth was not included because, well, we live here. It was all about what we could see up in space from where we were.

27 April, 2019

Naming the Full Moons (in 2019)

Moon sticker on my mini laptop, which is also the
header photo in my Moon Magick group.
Hey, Readers & Moon lovers!

This was originally going to be a post in my Moon Magick group on Facebook (edit from the future: which no longer exists as I do not use FB anymore), but it quickly turned into FAR too long of a post for Facebook. It is, however, a fairly normal length (for me) long blog post. So here we are!

Earlier this year in the Moon Magick group, I shared two tables with the Full and New Moons for 2019. The original tables were generated from moontracks.com and the Full Moon one also includes some of the most commonly known "Full Moon names". As you see on the tables below, I have to adjust some of the times because my area uses Daylight Saving Time. The moontracks generator creates a table for any time zone you set it to (mine is Eastern time), but it doesn't adjust for DST, so I do that myself, looking up the dates it begins and ends and adjusting the Moon times between them. The changes I made are in blue.

I should also note that I started working on this post back in December 2018, to get ready for the new year. The moontracks generator begins from the time you're using it. If you look at it today, the day I'm posting this, it begins with the Moon in April. The New Moon table also didn't include the last New Moon of 2019, again I think because I generated the tables in December and it only goes so far. So I added in the info for the Dec. 26 2019 New Moon myself.

So what you see above are the original tables with my changes for Daylight Saving Time, and adding the last 2019 New Moon which wasn't on the generated table at the time I generated them.

06 March, 2019

Readings Page Update LAUNCHED!

Dear Readers,

My Readings page reboot is finally done! And live! Here it is! Ahhh!

If you also follow my YouTube and Instagram (possibly also mentioned this on my Facebook page, not entirely sure), then you know I've been working on redoing my Readings offerings for the new year. I wanted to have it done by January 1st, but personal life issues in December threw me way off. I started redoing the page in mid-February and was making great progress to have it done by the end of February to start out with March as the beginning of my Spring Quarter (that's a new thing, you'll read about it on the page!). But then February 28th, in the home stretch, all the work I had done that week was suddenly lost when the page--for some unknown reason of technology--reverted all the way back to original draft... It was a blow, for sure. I spent two hours that night trying to redo everything from that week, realized it was already after midnight and therefore officially March 1st, and decided I needed a break lol.

So I finally got back to finishing the page today, and IT'S DONE! FINALLY! The link is above. Just wanted to update you. So many hours creating the images, taking the photos and doing the editing, typing out the descriptions of decks, deciding which decks will be available each quarter, typing the descriptions of the readings... and it's finally ready for the public. <3 p="">