30 December, 2016

Viewer Survey! My First Ever!

Greetings, dear Readers!

Now, you may not know this about me... but I'm the kind of person who REALLY LIKES SURVEYS. Frankly, I don't know why I haven't done one for my channel before. I've been thinking about it for years.

But today I finally sat down and made one! Demographics questions, YouTube audience questions, FUN questions, questions to get to know a little more about your lives and what you like and what you're interested in, what your experiences are, what your background is, and so on!

Annnd then I found out you could only have 10 questions at a time in the free survey version... And mine was 28. I wish I'd known that before I spent four hours on it. >.< ANYWAY, then I spent another hour deleting the "just for fun" questions and moving things around. I narrowed it down to 20 questions, and split it into TWO PARTS. Here they are:

PART ONE is basic audience demographics - Your age, race, gender, sexuality, religion, and so on.
PART TWO is about you as a viewing audience member - How long you've watched my channel, what kind of content you like, your opinion on some of the different things I've been posting... plus two questions that I had extra room for and wanted to include. =)

Unfortunately since they're broken up, I won't be able to see how the data from the two sections relate, but I still think they will be valuable to me as separate entities the way they are.

So PLEASE take both surveys--they're only 10 questions each ;) and I think it'll really help me get an idea of who my audience is, and understand better what you like about my channel content.

I'm all about improvement and connection in 2017!

Here are the links again in long form:
Part One: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/NDY8W7N
Part Two: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/NDSWC2J

Thanks & Blessings~

Update: I've now been informed, via an email from surveymonkey, that I can only get 100 responses to the surveys without upgrading to the paid version. I don't know if this means it will collect all responses and I just can't SEE them unless I pay, or if it will cut you off. I'm sorry, I was unaware of this when I made the surveys using this website! I'll do my best with what I can!

1 comment:

  1. just found your blog and love it!! you might have better luck with google forms for creating surveys! That is what I use!
